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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The Sad State of Reality 

Yesterday's posting has disappeared because firstly, I sounded like a spoilt brat. And secondly, my bad mood disappeared after the interview because the boyfriend waited half an hour for me to send me home after feeding me with happiness-inducing hot chocolate.

Anyway, the interview yesterday was really an eye-opener. It was with a local theatre company, quite a well-known one although a rather small outfit as compared to Singapore Repertory Theatre or Theatreworks. Had an interesting one-hour session with two lovely ladies who, as theatre folks go, were friendly, easy-going and outspoken. They quizzed me on many aspects of my life, from my ideal working environment, my opinions on local theatre to my take on balancing working and personal life. They gave me an opportunity to air my frank views and it was really refreshing to be able to engage in a debate with theatre people about theatre after being out of touch for the past four years.

We spoke about the Singaporean identity that is lacking in local productions, how companies can reach out to the three classes of people - the snooty arts lover who sips champagne, the arts lover who loves arts for arts' sake and the people who have never attended any arts productions before, how the arts is burgeoning in Singapore and how smaller groups, like VC, suffer from lack of recognition and funding.

What really struck me was their fervent and passion in what they are doing. From that one hour I spent with them, I could sense their drive and their love for theatre. And it felt good to spend that one hour with such passionate people because their love for their job is infectious. And it made me wonder how many of us out there will ever get to feel that sort of passion in what we do.

That sense of camaraderie was enough to make me take up the job as a publicist but sadly, reality bites and I realise that the pay is not enough to feed my family (and myself). The irregular and long hours would ensure that tuition is not feasible.

And so, my decision is made. Since Singapore's favourite publishing house is reportedly not hiring, I will take up the offer at the old company and try my luck there. I hope it's the right decision.

What's Playing on iTunes
Maybe Katie from "Everything To Everyone" by Barenaked Ladies

yAnn at 6/30/2004 02:44:00 PM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"