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Thursday, May 06, 2004

Random thoughts at 4am 

It's almost 4am and I am dying to catch some sleep.
But am having Internet connection problems - suspect that SCV is really, really slow at night. Which is odd, cos you would think that at 4am, only ridiculous people like me are still up. Which means that there should be less people sharing the bandwidth. Which means that the speed should be a lot faster than it is now.

Mum just came to nag at me for not sleeping yet. She means well and sometimes, I feel terribly guilty for not doing what she would like me to do. She's a fantastic mother, there are only two things that I recall her stopping me from doing in my 23 years. One is going to a Brownies international camp when I was 12. The other is stopping me from staying in hall during my university years. Well, she never really did forbid me. It was more of her expressing her wish for me not to do either. And I, being the filial daughter, obeyed.

Was a little unhappy today. Have never liked the feeling of being compared against someone else ever since I was a little kid. I remember my uncle and aunt who used to compare me with their son, who is of the same age as I am. They always felt that he was cleverer and better behaved than I was. I detested that immensely, and although it sounds horrifying, it did feel a little good when I outdid him in PSLE, O'levels, A'Levels and now, university. And I guess, so many years down the road, the idea of being held up against someone else and judged is still a sour feeling.

I just realised that I am having problems sending out text messages. Something is either wrong with the network or the phone.

Hmm....love this song....it's on repeat mode..... =)

What's Playing on iTunes
More Than Words from Extreme II: Pornograffitti by Extreme

yAnn at 5/06/2004 04:06:00 AM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"