As with everybody in this world, I have my own peculiarities. There are some little quirks in me that sometimes I wish I could get rid of but they are so deeply entrenched in me that I can't help but not be able to change.
For instance, I have this annoying habit of probing beneath the surface of things that people say and do. They might not mean something in their actions and words but through my eyes, they hold deeper meanings. And so, things that were never there seemed to be there.
Sometimes, I can't help but read between the lines. Afterall, I am trained to read through the words to extract the meanings behind them in all these years of English Literature. If Hamlet had meant everything that he had said on the surface, then William Shakespeare would not be The Bard. But applying this to reality is not a good thing.
I was supposed to blog a happy post, following the horrifying thoughts of Friday. Let's move on. If not, we will always be stuck in that moment and not enjoying the beauty of the present.
Red Rum Night
Am looking through all the online photo albums that my kind friends have sent me. It was a great night and it was a bad night. I can't describe it in words, the emotions are just too mixed. But I had fun although there was a certain realization that I probably would not see most of the people there anymore. And even if I did in future, things would have changed and people would have changed. I would have changed. It's the chapter of my life that I have to close, whether I like it or not.
One of my favourite pendants, which I wore as a bracelet, broke that night. A sign perhaps? =(
There are lots of links to the albums, will probably put them up here once I consolidate them. In the meantime, here are two of my favourite photos, courtesy of Sleazy Shiyong and Sham the Grumbler (who can now add the name of "Sigher" to his title).
What's Playing on iTunes
Let Down from OK Computer by Radiohead