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Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Blog etiquette 

When people blog, it is obvious that they are blogging for an audience, be it their friends, family or members of the public. But just because we are writing on the public realm of the WWW, it does NOT mean that readers have the right to heap abuse on what we write.

I was shocked to read a whole chain of immensely rude tags on Fur's blog, berating her for her expressed opinion on Jasmine Trias. Not only was the writer rude, he even mounted a personal attack on Fur's looks, calling her fat and shitty.

Look, not everyone holds the same goddamned opinion in the whole world. Fur might hate Jasmine Trias and the rude piece of crap might adore Jasmine to death. Different opinions do emerge all the time. But just because different people see things differently doesn't mean that he has the right to verbally abuse the others who don't share the same views as he does. Not only that, that SOB was too cowardly to leave his blog or email address, prefering to hide under the cloak of anonymity.

If you, yes you the frigging rude ass who posted rude messages on Fur's blog, are reading this, I have one thing to say to you - GET A FRIGGING LIFE. And do go see what Ash thinks of you and Jasmine.

Now, bugger off.

yAnn at 5/05/2004 01:16:00 AM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"