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Friday, April 30, 2004

The oxymoron called "female buddy" 

There are girls. And there are girls.
But not all girls are seen as girls by the boys.

To boys, these girls are their friends, almost one-of-their own. In short, they see these girls are not really girls. These girls are buddies.

Buddies are different from girls. Girls are chicks that they desire. As girls walk by them, swishing their skirts, boys turn their heads and think to themselves, here's somebody I want to date. They glance admiringly at girls and those who are either courageous or desperate enough will actually try to make the transition from being "friends" to being in love. If not, they resign themselves to gazing from afar, enjoying the sweet torment of their longing.

When it comes to buddies, things get a little simpler. Buddies are buddies. They hang out together. They sit around and drink beer and talk whatever nonsense that buddies talk about. They watch soccer matches together and cheer/curse loudly, depending on the situation at hand. They go for movies together and laugh simultaneously at the rude jokes. They don't bother with dressing up with one another - afterall, they are buddies.

Sometimes, I think I belong to the latter category of girls. Among all my male friends, I am a buddy. We enjoy one another's company. We make fun of one another. We end up doing and saying stupid things because hey, that's what buddies do. We are not afraid of embarrassing ourselves in front of one another. Sometimes, things get a bit adventurous and we might end up at the old Changi Hospital looking for ghosts and then going for prata.

I enjoy being buddies with them. It's always a lot of fun being part of the group. But sometimes, I just wonder if that's how people see me.

Just a buddy.

What's Playing on iTunes
A Whiter Shade Of Pale from Medusa by Annie Lennox

yAnn at 4/30/2004 04:26:00 AM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"