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Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Of birthdays and goodbyes 

It never ceases to amaze me how my friends (or rather, their parents) contrive to have their birthdays on consecutive days. The coincidence is so uncanny. So part of this posting is going to be dedicated to the joyous occasion of birthdays!


  • Pok, who turned 23 on 18th,
  • Min, also 23 on the 19th, and
  • Big Backside at the ripe old age of 25 on the 20th!

  • There you go, the happiness of turning older and wiser.

    The Talented SCI Students
    Yesterday was the day of my extremely traumatic FYP moderation (photos here). As if the trauma was not bad enough, I came face-to-face with the fact that my peers in school are miles ahead of me in terms of the creativity bank. After sitting through four hours of the FYP efforts of the Electronic Broadcast Media (EBM) division, I come to the conclusion that I am a very sad individual in a sea of talents.

    The short films that that they made, be it documentary, mockumentary or drama, were all so outstanding that if I didn't view it in school, I would have thought that they were the works of professionals. The standards were so high that it's hard to imagine these people not winning awards and not getting A-grades. I especially loved the mockumentary, "Spaces" which focused on the realm of homosexuals, and Sham's "postmodern" piece, which apparently did nothing for the Dean. Oh well.

    But the accolades go to the multimedia group, who created an educational website using flash animation called The Domed Survival. Comprising of only girls, this group conceptualised, designed and created the whole site by themselves! The site is so cool that it had everyone in the lecture theatre cheering at every chance they could get.

    What can I say? After four years, my school life ended officially yesterday. It was a bit sad because I finally felt as if I truly belonged there and it had to end. But I am glad that it ended that way.

    Because I feel so proud of my school mates and friends. Not only those from EBM, but also all those who worked their asses off for their FYPs. Here's wishing them all the best in their futures. And mine too. =P

    What's Playing on iTunes
    Why Can't I - Liz Phair from Music From the O.C. [UNOFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK] by Various Artists

    yAnn at 4/21/2004 02:40:00 AM

    "Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

    And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

    And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

    -- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"