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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

So long, farewell 

This is really odd.
I mean to blog about how happy I am that my final year project has finally been put to bed but somehow, I keep stopping halfway and deleting what I had written. It's almost as if no words can really describe the multitude of emotions that are churning in me right now.

This project has been stewing for more than a year. I remember that it was slightly more than a year ago that we decided on undertaking a study on the use of traditional chinese medicine in Singapore. And in this one year, so much has changed.

And now, there isn't FYP to work on anymore. It feels slightly empty, hollow and yet there is such a feeling of great relief. It's also strangely cathartic in a way. And judging by how we four non blondes behaved today, I think I am right to say that the rest of them felt exactly the same way.

Taking pictures of your group mates waving in the computer lab is not normal. Neither is posing with a fire extinguisher sane. Nor is taking photographs of the document being put together step-by-step (from being on the computer monitor, to it being printed, counted, verified, photocopied and bound) behaviour normal people undertake. And let's not forget screaming in the pitch-dark lift from the second storey to the third to the first (SCI is rather cheapie - they switch off all lights in the lifts after five).

And now, after carefully slotting the three bound copies into the mailbox of our supervisor (who had already gone home), I feel a strong desire to shout out at the top of my lungs,


And yet, I miss it.

As D says, now we have no more excuse to fall behind in our readings. And when we are in a foul mood, we can't simply bitch about what a lousy supervisor we have ("fine fine") and how difficult it is to find information about TCM on the Net. To me, it's like the time we were putting together our group pieces for TSD for prelims and A'Levels. After performing for the exams and the public ps, there was a sense of exhilaration and bittersweet loss. No longer will have we have the similar drive to excel. It's time to move on.

And so, goodbye to you, FYP.

yAnn at 3/30/2004 10:32:00 PM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"