Just realised that my favourite TV show in the world, Sex and the City will be airing its final episode today.
This is disaster.
Never before have I felt so emotionally attached to TV characters (well, Channel 8 has crap shows, what can I say?). Yes yes, I am suffering from para-social interaction with TV characters. I want to marry Aragorn. My next man is going to write me poetry and sing me songs like Ryan Sutter (Ryan as in Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter? The Bachelorette?) did and he should also have 8-packs like Ryan's. Yes, para-social relationships indeed.
But anyway, back to the topic. I am so excited because it seems that Mr. Big is going to go after Carrie and bring her back into his life after all that they have gone through. Yes! He's finally gotten over his committment phobia and realised that Carrie is the one for him. And really, Mr. Big is rather a tempting offer. Suave, charming, wealthy, sweet. Compared with the old-fashioned and old Petrovsky, he really is the cream of the crop.
I can't wait for the finale to play out!
Now, if only I can get hold of Season 6.