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Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Ramblings on a cold Wednesday night 

It's the middle of the first week of school and I'm already sick.
Suspect that the flu virus has once again assailed me and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why the flu bug simply lurrrves me. I have the classic symptoms - fatigue (I slept from 7pm to 11am last night, skipping dinner), muscle ache, loss of appetite (two slices of toast for dinner, whadya think?) and general disinterest. Wait, the last bit could be me at any time. Double whine.

Had to go for tuition just now. Couldn't pluck up the courage to tell them that I am seriously underpaid. Next week, I promise. And then, on the way back, I had to forsake getting my dinner (hence the toast) because it started raining with big gusts of wind whipping at me. I had no umbrella and had to resort to dodging into corners and carparks to avoid getting drenched in my flu-stricken state. Came to several dead ends and paths that led to the incinerator and I came to the conclusion that I do not know my neighbourhood very well at all.

Thankfully, I had a lovely time turning 23 even though it was the first week of school and I had class at 9.30am. Realise that, really, as your expectations of things get lower or disappear altogether, there won't be any sense of disappointment. If people were annoying, rude or ungracious, then that is their problem and not mine. I should not think about changing myself to make them happy but they should think about changing themselves to be better people.

Now, with my newfound wealth (thanks to generous friends), I have decided to make a purchase that will complete the new me (as compared to without it, I would be the old, incomplete me). And the item is.......

The Evenstar, as worn by Arwen in LOTR! Yes! I'm taking one step closer to finding my Aragorn!

yAnn at 1/14/2004 10:39:00 PM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"