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Friday, January 16, 2004

Neurotically sleepy... 

...if there is ever such a term. Wudeva. All I know is that I am dead tired and still I find myself slogging away for the chorale chalet. Well, even if it turned out to be a big flop because people refuse to come dressed up (those spoilsports??) and because people do not enjoy the game, that is entirely their problem. I have done my best and if they refuse to participate or think it's dumb, it's not my or my comm's fault.

That said, I have one piece of bad news and one piece of good news to share!

The bad news is......I WAS OUTBIDDED!!! Had made my bidding at eBay for that lovely Evenstar pendent but the prices skyrocketed to ridiculous prices! One went up to USD30 and another leapt to €20. Sigh, no more Evenstar. For now.

The good news is, I was OUTBIDDED at an auction for a Gucci replica handbag! It was something I thought I had wanted but as the closing time drew closer and nobody else seemed to be interested in outbidding me, I started to panic. Thankfully, some lucky buyer was on hand to key in her bid closer to the auction closing time (kiasu Singaporean). That means money saved for Evenstar. Hurrah!

Off topic here but I love my wallpapers! Managed to get wallpapers with the psychedelic iPod ads and now I see my desktop changing to a different vibrant colour every 15 minutes. Cool!

Imagine this as my wallpaper.....mmmm......

yAnn at 1/16/2004 01:04:00 AM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"