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Saturday, January 10, 2004

Get rrrrrocking, baby! 

Today is only the 9th day (well, technically 10th) day of January but I sure hope that the rest of the year will showcase movies as great as the one that I caught today. No, it isn't Return of the King (on a side note, do you know that when you visit the official LOTR website, there will be a voiceover from one of the actors chosen at random, welcoming you to the site? I once clicked it almost 40 times before I got one from Viggo Mortensen) although it is definitely my FAVOURITE show of all time (I only watched it twice).

Surprise, it's Jack Black's School Of Rock! Yes, I went into the cinema with no expectations whatsoever and came out of the darkened theatre with lots of giggles and fun. It was inspirational, humorous without being farcical and 100% feel good.

I loved how smart-alecky Summer was (especially when she was identifying herself to some hardcore rockers as the manager of the band), how Freddy tried to appear as a real rockstar with his spiky hair, how prima donna stylist Billy was, how neurotically principal Ros (played to hilarious effect by Joan Cusak) uptight was, how cool Katie the bassist was (even though her role was under-developed) and how zany Jack Black as the fraudulent teacher was.

One of my favourite scenes is that of Ros and one of the scantily-clad rockers at the competition -

Under-dressed Rocker: And are you in the band?
Ros: No, no, I am the principal of the school.
Rocker: Principal? Wow, that's so cool, cool. Real cool.
Ros: Oh? Err. Yeah, cool, yeah it's real cool.
Rocker: I think you're hot. You're hot. You're hot.
Ros: You're hot? Err you're hot? Is the temperature too high for you?

Cool. *wink*

yAnn at 1/10/2004 01:53:00 AM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"