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Thursday, December 25, 2003

Christmas Blessings 

Christmas is supposed to be a time of love, peace and faith. And so, you can imagine how it was for me when I didn't feel any of the above. Somehow, the magic of Christmas did not reach to my soul and friends just can't seem to fill the emptiness that I felt within.

Thankfully, in times like these, I can always rely on the backbone of my life - my family. I took off for a couple of hours to spend Christmas with my mother, godmother, godsisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and two nephews whom I adore to death. And I mean it with all my heart when I say that when all else fails, one's family will still be there for you.

I went to my godmother's place with a weary and heavy heart. For the past few weeks and in the days leading to Christmas, I had felt old and laden with troubles. But once I got there, there was simply no room for gloominess - the house was filled with love, warmth and laughter. The darling of the family, two-year-old Dylan made everyone laugh with his antics. Six-year-old Markus and his motormouth rubbishing everything was ever so amusing. They are my cousins' children but in my family, we "share" the children. Hence, Dylan and Markus are not only their mothers' sons but also everyone's grandsons and everyone's nephews.

And so, the veil of dreariness was lifted and sunshine once again filled my heart. I am reminded again of how lucky I am to be born into such a wonderful and loving family. As a taxi driver told me once, families nowadays seldom feel the need to retain familial ties and it is indeed a blessing that my extended family enjoy our time together.

I hope that everyone had a Christmas as meaningful as mine and have faith in love, when all hope seems gone.

Merry Christmas.

yAnn at 12/25/2003 11:53:00 PM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"