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Monday, November 03, 2003

Big Apples don't agree with me 

I think I have bad karma with computers.
As much as I love my baby, I am beginning to get the hint that my baby doesn't exactly love me.

Recall the fiasco that happened a month back, when I updated my OS to 10.2.8 AND my Stuffit 8.0, it died on me. Literally died on me, as if it could never revive again. Thankfully, it did and I thought that with all the repair and subsequent tender loving care, my baby would be satisfied and run smoothly like the engines of a Beemer 7-series.

But no, the Apple's problems manifested today, when I tried to upgrade my Jaguar to a Panther. It wouldn't install.

I kept getting error messages when I was running the disc, when the installation CD was preparing the disk and checking target volume. It stopped halfway and told me to try again. And I did. Again and again. And I kept getting the same message.

Next, I tried to repair the disk. No go here. It stopped halfway and told me that disk repair failed.

Basically, according to a reliable source of information here (hell, he saved my baby the other time, he is as reliable as my nose getting all cranky in the mornings), my hard disk drive seems to be malfunctioning.

And my first reaction is, What the hell did I do?
And the next, I have no money to buy a new one.
And then, Why didn't I get a Super Drive instead of a Combo Drive the other time? That way, I wouldn't have such a hard time backing up my data.

I thought Apples were supposed to be resilient and reliable.

So did I get the short end of the stick or what?

yAnn at 11/03/2003 12:30:00 AM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"