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Monday, October 13, 2003

Not such a bitch afterall..... 

Well, according to a test that I took at TheSpark anyway. *smirks*

Apparently, with a score of 32%, I am considerably less bitchy than my fellow worldwide females, who average 38% in the test.

How others compare:
2% (same as you)
30% (less bitchy than you)
68% (bitchier than you)

Oooooh so I am not that bad afterall. Wonder what score Claydoll and Dawn the*tooch* Sin (no I haven't forgiven you for blatantly revealing my bra size at the blardy dining table) would get. Hmm.

Quirky statistics - Of the 7,795,616 test takers so far:
52% can use a gun
51% been in a catfight
50% cheated in a relationship
50% forget birthdays
46% blamed a friend for farting (hey, ME!!!!)
28% gnawed during oral sex (ouch!)
26% wear lots of hairspray
24% stomped on someone with high heels (wish it's me *sulk*)

The bitchiest age group so far is 29 year olds. 29 year olds average 42% bitchy.
Women who like the taste of beer are more likely to cheat on their boyfriends. (err I like beer so.....)
Canadian women are more likely to consider themselves successful.
Girls with tattoos like authority less.
Girls who sleep with married men are more likely to forget their friends' birthdays.

yAnn at 10/13/2003 12:04:00 AM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"