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Monday, October 13, 2003

Moosic to my ears 

Sometimes, I astonish even myself.
I mean, living with me for the past 22 (long) years, I would have thought that I know me very well.
And yet, I do things that even I do not expect myself to be doing.

I am listening to Fatboy Slim!

Alright alright, it might not sound impressive to anyone out there but really, I amaze myself sometimes.

Look, here's a genre of music that I have not tried before and did not really have the inclination to. My very vague impression of it is techno and we all know what kind of people listen to techno music (looooosers!!). But when my baby came home from the hospital packed with all sorts of goodies (I am not going to tell you the origins of my goodies hah), I just had to try them out.

And I actually like it! I actually like Fatboy Slim's Halfway Between the Gutter and the Stars and I enjoy it tremendously.

Mama mia, I am EVOLVING.

Another fantastic group that comes highly recommended from me - Radiohead's Hail to the Thief. Experimental and highly palatable.


yAnn at 10/13/2003 11:04:00 PM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"