Alright, that's not the sound of aeroplanes cutting through the sky, which, incidentally, is a frequent occurrance at my place. To whet your appetite, let's backtrack a few hours.
I was walking down at the tunnel of Outram MRT station this evening (at 7.30pm, may I add, since I had to rush two reports) to get to the NEL. The underground linkway (duh, it's a tunnel) is quite long and you do have to walk a bit to get to the other platform.
I was plugged in on my iPod and strolling along, enjoying the fact that for once, I do not have to rush to get to somewhere. Such a refreshing change.
All of a sudden, I see a man lumbering past me, trying desperately to run fast and hang on to his briefcase at the same time. Forgive me but it really was a sorry sight and I was attempting not to laugh out loud. Imagine a tall, big man clambering in haste, one hand holding on to a boring black briefcase (alliteration, wow!) and his other hand flopping by his side.
Soon, he rounded the bend and disappeared.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see swift movement.
Yet another fellow rushing to catch the connecting train. This time, a small man trying to look cool while he is running. And then he too rounded the bend and disappeared.
And then, I heard footsteps and to my amazement, I see yet another chap running as if his very life depended on his catching the train. I began to wonder if I was walking in the middle of a marathon that was taking place in reality without my knowing.
The funniest thing happened.
The third participant met a friend while he was puffing away in his desire to get to the platform before any of us did. He did not stop to say hi, he just continued his jog and held out a hand to hi-five his friend. From my angle, it looked as if he was passing a baton while in the middle of a relay.
I burst out laughing, half expecting some other twerp to come zooming past me. Thankfully, there were none. So hilarious.
yAnn at 10/02/2003 11:24:00 PM