Nah, not quite.
I don't know but I am not really all that interested in Friendster and all.
It's just that I don't think it's really necessary to list your friends on your page and then write testimonials on them, telling the world how sweet they are, how wonderful they are?
I'm more of a heart person - I don't feel the need to shout to the whole world that you are wonderful and I am really grateful that I have you in my life. I know it in my heart that I love you and I always will. And you know it too, because you are my friend. You know that I will be there for you whenever you need me and that you can always count on me. And I know that you will always be there for me on those nights when I cry myself to sleep and I don't want to cry no more. You and I will know that we can tell each other everything, things that we wouldn't dream of telling others. And we know that whatever we say will not shock the other because we accept each other for who we are despite the many differences in opinion, action and lifestyle.
In fact, some of my dearest friends aren't even on Friendster.
Perhaps I am too private a person. Or unsociable. Or even, unfriendly. But I truly believe that if you love a person, you wouldn't need a medium like Friendster to prove it.
Or perhaps, just perhaps, I am taking it too seriously.
yAnn at 10/26/2003 05:34:00 PM