I hate people who have no sense of commitment.
No, I am not talking about men and their notorious avoidance of commitment. When someone you have been seeing for quite a while tells you that he is not interested in having a relationship, it's time to move on and get out, girl. But then, that's their problem and all you can do is to wish them good luck with their sad, lonely lives.
I'm talking about people who pledge to do something, only to give it a half-hearted shot at it. I went for choir today, despite the fact that I am still nursing a cold. As with my previous run-ins with colds/flu, I usually take my medicine and then get knocked out for one or two days. I was knocked out last night, and I slept soundly for 11 hours. This morning (or rather afternoon), when I woke up, I wanted to go right back to bed. But I didn't. I dragged myself out and forced a cup of tea down to revive.
It started raining and more than ever, I wanted to just pop a pill and go back to sleep. But I thought, heck it's the first practice since the concert, I had better go. And so I put on lots of blusher (I always look awful when I am sick) and got on the wet, slippery road.
Only to see less than 3/4 of the choir there.
How utterly annoying.