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Monday, September 01, 2003

Dedicated to my girlie friends! 

Girlie nights are such great fun!

Had dinner with a couple of university friends and I must say, I really miss their company very much. It's amazing how when we see each other almost everyday in school, we don't really take the effort to meet up and have fun together. But now that we are pseudo working and busy with our lives, it seems all the more important to meet up and have a blast.

And had a blast, we did (does that sound like Yoda, Ame??). It's been a really long time since I felt girlish and childish and giggly. We behaved terribly, totally unlike the working girls we were supposed to be. There were those who seemed appalled by our loud and unladylike behaviour but well, we are young and carefree (for that moment) and the world is our oyster!

Friends have the ability to make you laugh, make you forget all the pains that you feel and make you feel belonged. You are no longer too fat/thin/ugly/bimbo/gluttony when you are with the right company. You are just you with people who love you despite all your flaws, who will be there for you when you cry (that's *tooch* dearest for me!) and who will endure all the stupid antics you come up with. They will let you mock them simply because deep down, they know that you only mock them because you love them and woe betide any idiot who has the audacity to try the same. And they will listen to you whine and complain and then tell you to stand up on your own two feet and move on.

So what's the point in saying all these?

I love my girlfriends! Hurrah to Singletons! Who needs men??

PS Hey, did I tell you guys about this dude who made my heart pound today? ;)

yAnn at 9/01/2003 11:23:00 PM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"