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Sunday, August 24, 2003

Welcome to the dark zone.... 

Well, mebbe not. I guess with bloggers' first posting, they are supposed to tell whoever is reading the reasons why they have decided to go public. No, not that gahmen campaign that tells people to take public transport whenever they drink.

Truth is, I have always wanted to do a blog but I am just too lazy to start anything. Besides, I am not really that kind of person to follow on something regularly and faithfully so there was a high probability that this thing will go out of my mind after a while.

But then, I started working (I'd like to think of it as free labour) and I suddenly found myself with lots of time on my hands. Now, if I were at home, I could always take out my diary and scribble in it or surf the ever tempting Victoria's Secret site. But at work, I had to pretend to be busy and shopping online is not exactly very inconspicuous. If I did nothing, my mind would start to wonder and I would start thinking about things and that, I promise you, was not good.

So here I am, trying out something new and hoping that this would last. And anyway, I was inspired by my dear friend, Ame no Tenshi so here's to you girl! =)

yAnn at 8/24/2003 07:38:00 PM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"