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Thursday, August 28, 2003

Tired of singing....? 

It's been almost a week since Chorale's last concert, In Song 2003 and my feelings are a mixture of relief and sadness.

I don't know why but the exuberance of singing and performing was just not there on August 22. It was our first performance at the Esplanade and I should have been excited and nervous. But I was neither.

Perhaps it's because of all the publicity work that I had been doing for the months leading up to the event. It really is a disappointment when we do so much work and yet do not receive enough recognition. Journalists don't reply to our email, do not return our calls, go MIA and refuse to even acknowledge receipt of their complimentary tickets. How can the local arts scene grow when we do not even get enough support from the local media? When foreign performers come to town, there's so much publicity dedicated to them. But when local acts try to get a piece of that pie, they are shunned and kicked out of the door. I'm pretty much sickened by this, having done it for the past three years and seeing no improvements. But at least I know that now, I am doing something to make PR a system at Chorale, right from keeping media archives to putting together a database of journalists.

So now that the big night is over, I heave a sigh of relief that it went smoothly enough. The lack of practices really irked me. The feeling of un-preparedness annoyed me. The worry of not getting enough publicity and audience plagued me. In short, I was not really that happy.

And a tinge of sadness......because someone is leaving. Someone who's dear to me, who's been at every practice since the day I joined. Chorale is different without him, at least to me.

yAnn at 8/28/2003 01:59:00 PM

"Compared with me, a tree is immortal;

And a flowerhead not tall, but more startling

And I want one's longevity and the other's daring."

-- Sylvia Plath's "I am Vertical"